After dating a Lutheran man, I can say how much I value a Christian relationship. Our values are very similar and, more important, we put God first. I am thankful that I can praise the Lord with a man who understands and shares those beliefs with me. Furthermore, you can also seek support and advice from religious leaders or counsellor who can guide both of you in fostering a harmonious relationship.
Who doesn’t know a Catholic who thinks birth control, or divorce, is morally acceptable? Even those who share the same religious affiliation do not necessarily share the same opinions on important issues. So the assumption that two people must share the same religion to really understand each other is flawed. A vast number of people think that religious compatibility is critical for a successful marriage.
For example, on more than one occasion I have worked in non-faith-based settings. When a potential client would come in requesting to see a counselor who was Christian, the client was often referred to me. It wasn’t that the other counselors could not work with the client effectively. Rather, we were trying to listen to the client and meet his or her needs.
Dating is a fun and exciting time for new lovers to take. However, sometimes key core issues can pose as a deal breaker for the other person. It is very important to spark up a conversation with your partner if you don’t have the same religious views to see if it would be a problem down the road. In the Jewish culture, the concept of shadchan and shidduch is vital if someone wants to go for dating a Jewish man or woman. Shidduch is a matchmaking process in Jewish communities for lawful marriage. A shadchan is a person who professionally offers Shidduch services to interested families.
I think we all have to assess what our limitations are, but I am in essential agreement with this article. My colleague was neither conservative nor Christian, but she was respectful of all clients — and of me. Simply put, the faith of the client and the faith of the counselor must be respected. It is entirely possible for clients and counselors who do not share a similar faith to work together effectively.
For this reader, the most important question of her life and faith right now is if she should be in a relationship with someone who believes in God, but doesn’t share her depth of faith. By looking back at how your relationship formed and the role religion played right at the beginning, you can work on reclaiming those initial feelings. Your religion need not smother your personal identity. It is possible to accept and embrace your partner’s beliefs while staying true to your own. Variety is the spice of life, and as long as you respect one another’s decisions, the odd disagreement shouldn’t stand in the way of happiness.
As a believer, one should delve deeper into the idea of doctrines and where yours fall within a scale such as this. This will help you enter a relationship and assist you in determining if it will provide a healthy balance or if it will reach a tipping point that will potentially self-destruct. Still not sure what to do about the different beliefs that you and your partner have? Chat online to a relationship expert from Relationship Hero who can help you figure things out. If both of you are caring, accepting people with great senses of humor, then this doesn’t need to be any kind of a deal breaker. While religions that closely resemble one another can be very compatible, those that diverge greatly can potentially cause friction when it comes to romantic relationships.
Instead of going to a place of defensiveness, our team was able to see the benefit of placing clients with counselors who shared similar values with them when possible. Still other counselors and counselor educators perceive a value conflict between counseling and religion or spirituality. If you were thinking about dating a non-Christian don’t. You probably think nothing will happen, it doesn’t matter, you know better than God, but you’re wrong. Dating an unbeliever can hinder your relationship with Christ. Even if you are dating inter religious partner, still you have to consider it as intellectual and spiritual freedom and learn more.
I had to call him and tell him that I couldn’t see it working out between us. I feel disappointed and sad about it because we both really liked each other, it was just this ONE major difference between us. From now on… I’m definitely making sure I’m on the same page with someone earlier on. You may opt to go by the rules of the society or the religions that you and your spouse might be following. This is the most accessible approach, but it may not be the best one.
However, that simplified approach erupts into multiple volcanoes of issues when diving deeper into other core doctrines of the faith. The doctrinal elements are extensive, and while some are less critical, others could make or break a relationship once put to the test. The only snag they hit was when they had children, as the grandparents each wanted the kids raised with their own faiths. L and S got around this by saying that they would raise the children with both religions, and allow them to choose their own paths as they got older. I always, always encourage Christian women to get emotionally and spiritually healthy – whether they’re dating non Christian men or married to men who believe in God even more than they do. The key to a strong, healthy marriage is to grow in your faith.