
Why Learn Objective-C in 2022: Skillful Memory Management and Other Low-Level Operations by Timi Stark

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  • Why Learn Objective-C in 2022: Skillful Memory Management and Other Low-Level Operations by Timi Stark

Objective-C isn’t the only popular language derived from C. C# was created by Microsoft to take C++ even further down the object-oriented road. At first it was quite similar to the massively popular language called Java, though they have since diverged in features despite sharing a nearly identical core syntax. The nice thing about all these languages derived from C is that a lot of the basic syntax is the same. Variables are often declared and used in the same way, and important keywords and symbols are usually repeated as well. The colon means that the next name is the parent class of this class.

Again, Apple is transitioning to Swift programming, but to navigate the current world of existing code and third party libraries you’ll want to be able to at least read Objective-C code. Since Objective-C comes from C, we write a main function to make use of the class that we just created. Let’s have a look at each element of the implementation in turn. This is the specification for the method that gets the value of the x variable. There is no conflict with the previous method because the types are different, and the previous method takes one argument whilst this takes none.

The automation relieves the programmer of having to write in memory management code. Automatic Reference Counting is a compile-time feature that eliminates the need for programmers to manually manage retain counts using retain and release. Unlike garbage collection, which occurs at run time, ARC eliminates ios swift vs objective c the overhead of a separate process managing retain counts. ARC and manual memory management are not mutually exclusive; programmers can continue to use non-ARC code in ARC-enabled projects by disabling ARC for individual code files. Xcode can also attempt to automatically upgrade a project to ARC.

Objective-C explained

If you have never used object-oriented programming to create applications, you should read Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C. Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C is designed to help you become familiar with object-oriented development from the perspective of an Objective-C developer. It spells out some of the implications of object-oriented design and gives you a flavor of what writing an object-oriented program is really like. In addition to the compiler, the Objective-C language uses a runtime system to enable its dynamic and object-oriented features.

Everything You Need To Know About Basic Structure of a C Program

Implementation files implement all those things that we declare to be available in the header files. Every method that we say an Objective-C class has must be defined with all its necessary code in the implementation file. Objective-C apps use reference counting to determine the lifetime of objects. For the most part, the Automatic Reference Counting feature of the compiler takes care of this for you.

Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language that is a superset of C, as the name of the language might reveal. This means that any valid C program will compile with an Objective-C compiler. It derives all its non-object oriented syntax from C and its object oriented syntax from SmallTalk. It was developed in 1984, so it has had time to mature as a language and is much more stable than Swift. Finally, often heavy, complex and highly optimized libraries that implement video or photo recognition, computer vision or cryptographic calculations are written in C ++. And integrating with them through Swift is painful, time consuming and expensive.

Swift vs Objective-C: Out with the Old, In with the New

“NS” comes from NeXT and the NeXTSTEP Computer, which was the company Steve Jobs founded after being forced out of Apple in the 80s. Many of these developers had never used Objective-C before, and that was the first challenge Apple threw at them. Despite unfamiliar syntax and manual memory management, it was immensely successful, helping populate the App Store with tens of thousands of apps. In iOS 4.0, Apple introduced a concept called ARC which took much of the mundane pain of memory management away from Objective-C programming.

Objective-C explained

Objective C uses 60% less code than Swift, according to reports. Since objective C has been around for a much longer time, the language is more familiar and there are more free resources to use. When talking about Objective C and what it is, it’s good to place it against some other prominent programming languages. For this section, we will compare it against C++ and Swift.

Although due to an alder language, many problems are already solved, the ability to adapt and evolve objective C gets reduced due to the lack of youth coming into the space. The syntax of Objective C is very complex and difficult to understand. The complex structure makes it difficult for first-language to learn and even experienced developers face some difficulties in shifting to Objective C. And if you want to work at Apple , you definitely want to learn Objective-C.

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This makes Swift a more dynamic and adaptive language for modern app development. Apple’s main programming language is Objective C, which assists in the development of most of the OS X and iOS operating systems. It is a general-purpose programming language that adds a messaging system like smalltalk to the programming language C.

Swift doesn’t support backward compatibility making it difficult to manage across versions. Now, let’s have a look at the pros and cons of Objective C. Swift is safer and less prone to errors due to its nature to eliminate unsafe codes. Safety has always been a specialty of Apple products and it’s not a surprise that swift is designed in a way to be much safer than its counterparts. The open source nature of swift means that it has a large community surrounding its use that opens to collaboration and newer ideas.

As you learn Swift, you will learn to define a class or a structure in a single file, and the external interface to that class or structure is automatically made available for other code to use. That symbol is used to declare block.Blocks are addressable sections of code implemented inline . When choosing a programming language, you should first and foremost consider you team’s experience and the project’s specifications. For example, if you already have developers skilled in Objective-C, it’s a bad practice have to them migrate to Swift. There are several instances in which you want to stick to the good, old Objective-C and here they are. While today Objective-C is primarily known as the language for creating iPhone apps, its development dates back to the 1980s.

The Good and the Bad of Swift Programming Language

The gap between Swift and Objective-C will only continue to grow. Thirdly, if you need complex work with the network, memory, device resources, then you have to use languages ​​\u200b\u200bwith a lower level of abstraction than Swift. It can be Objective-C, Objective-C++, or just C and C++, depending on how low level we want.

  • However, it is possible to install gcc only partially, for example only the C compiler.
  • Concerns about what type an object is are postponed until the program is actually running.
  • There is a lot to cover for even the basic syntax and concepts of Objective-C, so stay tuned for upcoming posts about things like classes, messages/methods/functions, conditionals, and loops!
  • Classes define things about objects as properties, and abilities of the object are defined as methods.

The Auto release pool is created to manage the memory in the program. Finally, the Nlog function is used to print statements in Objective-C. Our name valet points to 0x00ad6f88 for the computer, which in turn is the address for the actual contents of the object. The contents can include the valet’s name, how many cars he’s stored and the time he can go home. So, a pointer is a reference, a readable reference for us, and a memory address for the iPhone computer. What’s interesting here is that programming languages borrow features from each other.


It has the additional features of Small Talk programming language that makes it an object-oriented programming language. In this article we will be exploring what is Objective-C in detail. It’s for telling the iPhone we want to use the name property in this implementation. It kind of connects the property from the header to the implementation. We can use those methods to set the name property and read out its contents.

What is Objective-C: Why Should You Learn It?

Object-oriented programming languages have a concept called inheritance that is used to share properties and methods from one class to another. Along with other modern programming languages, Swift code’s https://globalcloudteam.com/ syntax is also very close to real English. Because Swift is easy to read, it’s much easier for programmers who already know JavaScript, Java, Python, C#, or C++ to add it to their toolchain.

Swift also takes care of memory management better than Objective C. The lazy evaluation can make your code faster and more efficient because the variables don’t get initialized before you need them. One thing that makes Objective C even less tempting to learn is the fact that Apple doesn’t update it anymore. Even though the language won’t see a sunset any time soon, it won’t get any better either.

Swift is strongly type because it supports limited data types and must check if a datatype is lying within its scope. No, you need not learn Objective C to learn Swift as it is a completely different programming language. With the emergence and popularity of Swift, most people have started moving towards it and hence lesser number of people are there in the Objective C community.

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